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Looking for the best way to treat arthritis in the knee? Today, there are many treatment options that relieve osteoarthritis-related knee pain. But for those who want to choose a non-surgical treatment option, genicular artery embolization or GAE can provide relief with shorter recovery periods and without hospital stays. Want to see if you're a candidate for this procedure? Keep reading to find out.

An inflamed knee joint

What is the Best Way to Treat Arthritis in Knee?

Because knee osteoarthritis is both progressive and degenerative, your condition and symptoms will get worse unless you seek treatment. For some patients, that could be as simple as reaching and staying at an optimal weight, while getting plenty of exercise. But even with these lifestyle changes, many patients will still experience painful arthritis symptoms.

Now, in the past, many of those patients would choose to find relief with knee replacement surgery. But today, there's a less invasive option: GAE, an alternative to that knee replacement that offers the best way to treat arthritis in knee while avoiding surgery.

What is Genicular Artery Embolization?

This procedure offers a surgical alternative for relieving knee osteoarthritis. During the procedure, we insert a small catheter into the femoral artery, guided via X-ray imaging from a tiny entry point made in the groin area. Once in place, we use the catheter to deposit tiny embolic material to the arteries to limit blood flow and reduce inflammation and pain in your knee. While not everyone is a GAE candidate, many believe that this is the best way to treat arthritis in knee without surgery. Want to see if GAE can relieve your knee osteoarthritis pain? Click here to request an appointment

If you have osteoarthritis of the knee and you want to find relief, there are knee replacement alternatives. And, due to medical advancements, many relieve pain without surgery. Today, we'll explore several options gaining popularity in 2024.

Genicular artery embolization (GAE): Proven knee replacement alternatives

GAE is a non-surgical knee replacement alternative that our Interventional Radiologists perform at the Georgie Knee Institute. The procedure relieves arthritis pain and inflammation by restricting blood flow to the affected knee joint lining. Backed by science, this 2020 study shows that GAE can effective relieve or reduce moderate to severe osteoarthritis knee pain. And it may prevent disease progression and limits on mobility.

man with hands on knees

Injections for Arthritis Knee Pain

Some patients prefer injectible knee replacement alternatives. One option involves injecting hyaluronic acid to the inflamed joint, providing lubrication and shock absorption to reduce pain. However, the Arthritis Foundation does not endorse this treatment due to limited research.

The same is true for dextrose solution injections, which are supposed to fight osteoarthritis knee pain. through the power of regenerative medicine. In theory, this injection sends reparitive blood flow to the knee, reducing pain and stiffness. But, again, it is not Arthritis Foundation endorsed.

Now, patients with mild to moderate arthritis knee pain may reduce pain and boost mobility with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. With results that last up to one year, this injection stimulates your body's own healing ability. However, more research is needed to confirm its efficacy for knee pain due to arthritis.

Knee replacement alternatives backed by research

We know you want to relieve your knee pain without having surgery. But we also know that you want knee replacement alternatives that have been well researched. And that's exactly what we provide! Click here to request an appointment at the Georgia Knee Institute and discover if you're a candidate for GAE!

Many older athletes are finding it harder to stay active because of pickleball knee pain. Now, this game is much gentler on the joints than other racket sports. However, when athletes have osteoarthritis in the knees, staying in the game can be very painful. Thankfully, GAE, or genicular artery embolization, can get you back into action.

pickleball paddles and balls

Understanding Pickleball Knee Pain

Many pickleball players get hurt due to age-related risks. And that makes sense because Paddletek reveals that more than 50% of the 36.5 million US pickleball players are over the age of 55. And an additional 30% of players are over the age of 65.

Of course, some of the aches and pains associated with the sport are due to knee injuries such as muscle tears or ligament strains. (And the risk for those injuries increases if age has already put mobility limits on your joints.) Now, some of these injuries can be avoided with proper form, lots of stretching, and supportive athletic gear. But when pickleball knee pain is caused by osteoarthritis, many players can find from an alternative knee replacement procedure called GAE.

This procedure was a game-saver for 80-year-old Patrick Shruben, who recently discussed undergoing GAE in 2021 with UCLA Health. The older athlete needed to relieve his pickleball knee pain, but “did not want to sit in pain for months after surgery.” After researching his relief options, Shruben chose GAE, saying, "My treatment was pretty amazing. I walked without knee pain the next day.”

Even better? His GAE procedure was very effective, as Shruben is still feeling great more than two years later. Even now, he brags, “Here I am at 80, and I’m doing things my own children can’t do.”

Choosing GAE at the Georgia Knee Institute

Ready to say goodbye to pickleball knee pain? Do you want osteoarthritis knee pain relief without surgery? Click here to request an appointment. When you come into the office, we'll determine if you're a good candidate for GAE and come up with your customized treatment plan.

Ready to relieve osteoarthritis' chronic pain and swelling surgery? You need an alternative knee replacement, whether you're simply not a surgical candidate, or prefer to delay a knee replacement due to your age. Of course, we can't cure your arthritis. But we can offer relief for pain, stiffness and swelling. And we can help keep you mobile and active, without going under the knife. Here's how.

prep for an alternative knee replacement procedure

Lifestyle Remedies for Knee Pain

When osteoarthritis knee pain is mild, you may find relief from noninvasive interventions. You can begin by losing weight, if necessary, to relieve pressure on the joints in your knee and to help prevent further damage to your cartilage.

You should also try to stay active, either through physical therapy or with low-impact exercises like walking or swimming. Finally, over-the-counter medications can help relieve inflammation and pain. But they may cause additional side effects, so be sure to clear this option with your healthcare provider.

Alternative Knee Replacement: Medical Interventions

If you want to temporarily relieve osteoarthritis knee pain without surgery, you may benefit from knee injections of cortisone or hyaluronic acid. These interventions can relieve inflammation and lubricate your joints to preserve mobility, but effects don't usually last more than a few months.

Luckily, there's an alternative knee replacement that offers at least a year of pain relief: genicular artery embolization, or GAE. This procedure relieves osteoarthritis knee pain by blocking blood flow to the joint. This reduces pain and inflammation, and slow arthritis progression, helping you delay knee replacement surgery.

Ready to see if GAE is the right alternative knee replacement for you? Patients with moderate to severe pain who are in good health, haven't found relief from non-invasive treatments, and are 40-80 years of age are considered good GAE candidates. Click here to request an appointment with the Georgia Knee Institute to discuss next steps!

In the Georgia Knee Institute we relieve osteoarthritis-related knee pain with genicular artery embolization, or GAE. This minimally invasive procedure reduces your pain and improves mobility by cutting off blood flow to the lining of your knee, getting rid of inflammation there. Now, many patients come in to this office, seeking relief without invasive surgery. But, before scheduling their procedure, they do have one key question: what's the genicular artery embolization recovery time? Here's what you need to know.

Timer with sand falling

Genicular Artery Embolization: Recovery Time After Your Procedure

The length of your GAE procedure will be around 1-2 hours. (Explore the ins and outs of this procedure here.) Immediately after your procedure, you will spend a few hours in the recovery room under observation. Most of our patients will be able to walk within two to three hours of the procedure's completion and should be able to go home on the same day.

The day after GAE, you'll be able to resume light activities, and within two or three days, you'll be ready to get back to your normal routine. (You should still avoid heavy activity for about two weeks while you recover from GAE.) At that point, the results of your procedure, including arthritis pain relief, should be noticeable.

How Long Does it Take to Recover From Genicular Artery Embolization?

Any side effects associated with GAE are minor, including mild bruising or slight changes to the appearance of your skin. These effects should be resolved, and you should be able to resume all activities, within two weeks of GAE. After that, your genicular artery embolization recovery should be complete, and you will start to appreciate the benefits of your procedure.

These include,

In conclusion, after your genicular artery embolization recovery, you'll experience osteoarthritis knee pain relief for up to a full year. As such, it's an ideal treatment for patients with moderate to severe arthritis pain who wish to delay or avoid full knee replacement surgery. Ready to see if this treatment will work for you? Click here to request an appointment with our knee specialists in Georgia!

Living with arthritis in the knee? Seeking treatment for arthritis knee pain? Before you explore your options, it's important to understand arthritis pain. So, let's dive in together.

applying topical product to knee for arthritis pain relief

Understanding Knee Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that causes swelling and tenderness in one or more of your joints. If you have knee arthritis, joints in one or both of your knees may be affected, leading to pain, stiffness, and limits on mobility. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of disease in your knees. And, while it's progressive and incurable, the right treatments can help relieve your pain.

Is There Treatment for Arthritis Knee Pain?

Again, you can't cure osteoarthritis. But you can preserve your mobility, relieve pain and prevent or delay progression by seeking early intervention.

Some people find relief with heating pads and/or over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. Physical therapy and regular exercise can help you stay active and mobile. But, if those treatments fail to offer sufficient relief, and you want to delay or avoid surgery, or simply aren’t a surgical candidate, genicular artery embolization (GAE) in Georgia can provide an effective alternative to surgical treatment for arthritis knee pain.

What is Genicular Aretery Embolization?

GAE is a non-surgical procedure to slow osteoarthritis progression in the knee. Minimally invasive, and lasting about two hours, this treatment allows you to avoid hospitalization and general anesthesia.

During the procedure, our interventional radiologists administer anesthetic through a small puncture opening in the groin. Then, they use that opening to insert a thin catheter to the femoral artery, directing it to the knee’s genicular artery via X-ray image guidance. 

Once in place, we release small embolic materials into your vessels, limiting blood flow to the knee lining and thereby reducing pain, inflammation and other knee arthritis symptoms. Once complete, we extract the catheter, monitor you for a few hours, and send you home. The next day, you can resume normal activities. And, within weeks of the procedure, you should experience noticeable arthritis pain relief.

Choosing GAE for Treatment of Arthritis Knee Pain in Georgia

Ready to see if you’re a candidate for GAE in Georgia? This treatment is for you if:

Do you meet these criteria and are want relief from osteoarthritis knee pain? Click here to request an appointment with our experts at the Georgia Knee Institute.

An alternative knee replacement is a minimally- invasive procedure, but are there genicular artery embolization side effects? Plus, how does this procedure relieve arthritis-related knee pain without surgery? Keep reading to learn more.

Genicular Artery Embolization (GAE): An Alternative Knee Replacement

GAE relieves pain related to osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. At the Georgia Knee Institute, our interventional radiologists perform this treatment as an outpatient procedure, using local instead of general anesthesia. This allows you to remain awake and comfortable during treatment. Plus it means you can avoid an overnight hospital stay!

But what's involved in the procedure? While you are awake but sedated, our specialists use X-ray imaging to guide a catheter to the blood vessels supplying your knee joint.  Once it's in place, we can inject embolizing material into your knee lining (synovium), reducing blood flow along with pain and swelling in your knee.  

Are there Genicular Artery Embolization Side Effects?

Though a relatively new treatment option, research and patient reports tell us that there aren’t significant genicular artery embolization side effects. Some patients report mild pain, bruising or discoloration around your knee after GAE. However, if you do experience these side effects, they should resolve within weeks of your GAE procedure. And they are typically mild and easy to tolerate.

Side Effects of GAE vs Benefits

As you can see, any genicular artery embolization side effects are minor and resolve without intervention. Plus, GAE has a high success rate for OA knee pain sufferers. And it comes with a relatively short recover period, in contrast to the six months to one year of recovery you can expect following knee replacement surgery.

Choosing GAE in Georgia

GAE is a great treatment option for patients who are ineligible for or wish to avoid knee replacement surgery, but haven’t found relief from treatment options such as medication or physical therapy. And, while GAE won’t cure osteoarthritis, it can provide extended OA symptom relief, helping you maintain mobility and delay or avoid surgery. Ready to see if you’re a candidate for GAE in Georgia? Click here to request an appointment.

woman's knees on blue background

Your knees take on a lot of wear and tear, especially as you age. For that reason, after decades of movement, you're likely to sustain damage to the smooth tissue that sits between your bones (called cartilage) allowing osteoarthritis to develop in your knees. When that happens, symptoms such as pain, stiffness and limited mobility are all common, negatively impacting your ability to enjoy life. In the past, the only true pathway to relieve this kind of knee pain was to seek surgery. Yet, today, there's new hope for relief for patients who wish to avoid surgery, or who can't undergo a knee replacement for a variety of reasons.

What is this new, non-surgical treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee? When options such as over-the-counter medications fail, patients can now find relief from the GAE knee procedure known as genicular artery embolization (GAE).

GAE Knee Procedure: How it Differs from Other Arthritis Treatments

GAE takes a new approach to relieving arthritis pain. Older treatment options relieve pain by targeting your cartilage. But the minimally invasive GAE knee procedure focuses on relieving inflammation around your knee joint.

How does this work? Well, the inside of your knee is lined by a type of connective tissue called the synovium, and that lining receives a supply of blood from the six genicular arteries. When you choose GAE, we can use guided 3D imaging to find areas of inflammation in your synovium. Then, we can insert a small catheter into your artery, guiding it to the synovium in your knee. Next, we inject small particles to reduce your arterial blood flow. As a result, we can reduce those spots of inflammation, in turn providing effective pain relief.

Best of all, unlike surgery, you can go home on the same day as your GAE knee procedure, avoiding an overnight hospital stay. While you will have to reduce your activity levels for a few days after your procedure, the recovery period is shorter and easier than ones associated with knee replacement surgery. In fact, most patients can resume normal activities within days of genicular artery embolization.

Benefits of GAE Knee Procedure

After GAE, most patients are able to avoid serious pain medications, along with the risk of dependence and additional side effects. Now, genicular artery embolization can't restore or repair your knee cartilage. However, it can delay osteoarthritis progression and offer effective pain relief and improved mobility, helping many patients avoid knee replacement surgery for extended periods of time. Ready to see if genicular artery embolization is your ideal alternative to knee replacement surgery? Click here to request an appointment at our Georgia Knee Institute. When you come in, we will determine the extent of your condition and determine if you're a candidate for this osteoarthritis treatment option.

woman showing knees and black tennis shoes

Recently, our Georgia Knee Institute's interventional radiologists added an alternative knee replacement procedure known as Genicular Artery Embolization, or GAE. This minimally invasive procedure relieves knee inflammation and pain without surgery. It works by decreasing blood flow to the parts of your knee that osteoarthritis has damaged. But what causes osteoarthritis knee damage? And who should seek out an alternative knee replacement treatment for pain relief? Keep reading to find out!

Knee Damage and Osteoarthritis

Your knee joints should work like hinges so that you can easily bend and move. However, years of activity can wear down your knee joints and the cartilage beneath that covers up your bones. If that happens, you may develop osteoarthritis, along with pain, stiffness and limits on joint mobility.

Age is a risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knees, since the National Institutes of Health reports that 10% of men and 13% of women over 60 suffer from osteoarthritis in the knee. Most will seek pain relief, and many will hope to find it without surgery. For that reason, as an alternative knee replacement, GAE is a very popular osteoarthritis treatment option.

What to Expect with GAE as an Alternative Knee Replacement

Though it's a fairly new osteoarthritis treatment, GAE is effective because it takes a fresh approach to pain relief. In fact, it targets inflammation, not cartilage degradation, thereby slowing bone degradation due to bone-on-bone contact. In this way, you can slow disease progression while relieving pain. And you can do both without surgery!

Does GAE offer lasting relief? According to the UCLA Medical Center study, 70% of patients reported they less pain, stiffness and difficulty walking one year after GAE. Plus, because they'd tried other treatment options--and failed to find relief--they were thrilled to find an effective alternative knee replacement.

What to Expect from the Procedure

How does GAE work? During this outpatient procedure, our experts make a small incision in the crease of your leg, allowing us to access your femoral artery with a catheter. Next, we use imaging to guide the catheter to three of the seven genicular arteries that feed your knee joint's blood supply.

During the procedure, you'll be awake, allowing us to accurately target the source of your knee pain. Once that's identified, we can cut off blood flow to the arteries responsible for your pain and inflammation by inserting beads through the catheter. In total, the procedure lasts approximately two hours. After, we'll keep you for observation until we're sure you're doing well. Then, while you'll need to modify your activity levels for a few days after GAE, you can still go home that day, avoiding an overnight stay in the hospital.

Who is a Candidate for Alternative Knee Replacement?

Patients who are good candidates for genicular artery embolization have experienced at least six months of chronic knee pain. They should also try at least one other non-surgical treatment option before seeking GAE, and should not be smokers. Ready to find relief from knee pain without surgery? Contact our Georgia Knee Institute by clicking here to request an appointment.

man's knees over a pool

As a new alternative to knee replacement, many people are curious about the success rate of genicular artery embolization. Well, we've got plenty of stats that prove why this minimally invasive treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee is effective. First, though, let's explain what's involved in the procedure.

What to expect with genicular artery embolization

Genicular artery embolization, or GAE, offers an alternative to knee replacement surgery. It can treat osteoarthritis pain and progression without replacing the knee joint.

Who is a good GAE candidate? This treatment option is best if you have mild arthritis, and are seeking a treatment that is less invasive than surgery but takes a more aggressive approach than treatments involving anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. How does it find that middle ground? Put simply, genicular artery embolization blocks the flow of blood to your hypervascular joint lining (synovium).

How does blocking blood flow relieve osteoarthritis? Here's the story: your synovium is a vascular lining. As a result, if you develop osteoarthritis in your knee, that joint lining becomes thickened and inflamed, resulting in pain. So, to relieve that pain, our Georgia Knee Institute's interventional radiologists insert a small catheter into one of the leg arteries. Then, using x-ray guidance to navigate the blood vessels, we can pinpoint the origins of inflammation. Next, we'll target the inflamed synovium sections by injecting particles to decrease blood flow to the knee. In turn, inflammation and pain reduces, and joint function improves.  

Exploring the success rate of genicular artery embolization

As an alternative knee replacement, GAE offers many benefits. It reduces inflammation in your joint lining, helping slow the progression of osteoarthritis. It also allows you to avoid a hospital stay or extensive healing time since it is a minimally-invasive outpatient procedure. What does that mean for you? YOu can show up on the morning of your procedure and return home hours later, resuming light to normal activities the following day.

Plus, with GAE, we avoid surgical incisions, stitches, staples and general anesthesia. All you need is mild sedation for your calm and comfort during the procedure, meaning you reduce the risk of surgical or post-surgical complications. And, you can undergo multiple GAE procedures, spaced by at least six months, so you can delay the need to undergo knee joint replacement surgery.

Still, that information doesn't reveal the success rate of genicular artery embolization. So here's what you've been waiting for. From clinical results, we can say that most patients enjoy up to six months of osteoarthritis relief following GAE. And newer research tells us that genicular artery embolization offers a success rate of 99.7%, making it an extremely effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Sound like an option worth exploring? Click here to request an appointment!

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Find out if genicular artery embolization is the right treatment for your knee osteoarthritis. Schedule a consultation with our team today.
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Suite 520
Atlanta, GA 30339
Monday – Friday
8am – 5pm


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